Rambling Around Vermont: Fall Camping at Brighton State Park

Please don't travel until it's safe to do so! Our travel posts are great for making future plans or dreaming about your next escape. Learn more about Vermont State Parks and COVID-19 . For many outdoor lovers, the beginning of fall means the end of the camping season, but don’t pack away your gear just yet! Fall camping in New England is one of life’s greatest experiences! Today we’re taking a virtual journey up to the town of Island Pond in the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont. This little village was once a thriving railroad and logging hub. Today, Island Pond is home to vast tracts of forest, a huge moose population, and the little slice of paradise that is Brighton State Park . Checking out the view from my campsite at Brighton State Park. While plenty of visitors flock to Brighton State Park for its quiet camping and spectacular swimming and paddling in the summer, fall is when the magic really happens at Brighton. The air becomes crisp and the smell of balsam surroun...