A Fond Farewell from Retired Director Craig Whipple

To all our friends and loyal followers of Vermont State Parks, I bid you farewell as I retire from the best job on the planet, Director of your Vermont State Parks. Change is hard but it is also exciting and inspiring. Our team here has never been stronger having been through a tremendous effort designing a way to offer state park services so that you and our staff are safe and healthy during this pandemic. And never before have I sensed a greater appreciation for the value of being outdoors with our friends and families than right now. It is exactly what we all need to manage our way through these times. I am proud to have had a part in making your parks available for you this season.

Looking forward to a strong recovery on the “other side” of the pandemic, this is an ideal time for a transition in the organization. Our future is bright given the increased interest in outdoor recreation in general and the tremendous support for parks in the state legislature and administration up to and including the Governor. We can expect even greater support and recognition as we approach 2024 and celebrate our 100th anniversary! Vermont State Parks is in a strong and secure position…a good time for a transition.

So, thanks to you all for your appreciation of and respect for your parks. It has been an absolute pleasure to have served you all these years. Hey, finally I’ll be able to enjoy parks from your vantage point! See you out there!

Craig Whipple, Retired Director of Vermont State Parks


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