Public Invited to Bingham Falls Master Plan Project Open House in Stowe, Vermont

Bingham Falls has become one of the popular destinations in Stowe for visitors to the area and is also loved by locals. The primary attraction at Bingham Falls is a series of stunning cascades, gorges, and pools collectively referred to as Bingham Falls. The West Branch of the Little River flows through the center of the property and is surrounded by steep forested hillsides to the east and west making this a unique natural place to visit.
The consultant team of SE Group, Timber & Stone, LLC and Grenier Engineering has completed a site assessment of the Bingham Falls parcel, which is part of Smugglers’ Notch State Park and Mt. Mansfield State Forest. We are looking for community feedback on what features of the property you currently use and value and invite your input at the open house.
The Vermont Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation acquired the 72.5-acre Bingham Falls property with funding assistance from the Vermont Housing and Conservation Board, the Town of Stowe, the Freeman Foundation, the Lintilhac Foundation, the Oakland Foundation and Stowe Land Trust members. Conservation easements are co-held by Stowe Land Trust, the Town of Stowe and the Vermont Housing and Conservation Board.

The conceptual master plan design for Bingham Falls may address parking, pedestrian access into and within the site, directional and information signs, the potential for a future bathroom facility and any needed utility systems to support the planned infrastructure and facilities.
To provide feedback on your use and what you value about
Bingham Falls area, please go to this link for a survey. The survey will be
confidential and take about 10 minutes to complete. Thank you for your input on
this project.
Susan Bulmer, NE Parks Regional Manager
Vermont Department of Forests, Parks, and Recreation | Agency of Natural Resources
(802) 476-0181,
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