Spring Crafts in Full Bloom

Spring Crafts in Full Bloom

The sun is shining, critters are coming out of hibernation, and the birds are migrating back for the summer. Longer days mean one thing: more time outside in the sun! Inspired by spring, but not quite sure what to do? Here’s a few crafts to connect your inner artist with nature. 

Remember: For crafts involving natural materials, only use materials that are already on the ground and no longer living. Tempted by the beauty of a beautiful bloom? Snap a picture to cherish later and leave it for others to enjoy. 

Source: myplumpudding
Nature Sculpture
A great nature keepsake or gift!

1.      Separate clay into golf ball sized pieces.
2.     Find leaves or twigs on the ground to press into the clay. 
3.     Let pieces air dry and turn them into fridge magnets or paperweights.

Note: Homemade clay is cheap and easy to make. Growing A Jeweled Rose has an easy to follow recipe! 

Tic-Tac-Toe Set
A fun game for the road or at home!

Source: red ted art 
Materials needed: 4 sticks, 8-10 stones, paint (hint: acrylic dries quick), brushes
1.     Divide your stones or clay pieces into two groups.
2.     Paint them two different colors. For this set, one team will be bees and the other lady bugs.
3.     Once dry, add the paint details in a second color. You could also choose to use permanent markers for more detail and less dry time.
4.     Arrange your sticks in a log cabin formation and have fun!

Fairy Houses
A great memory in the making!
Source: Paging Supermom

Materials needed: Bits of nature (acorns, leaves, sticks, etc.)
1.     Pick a nice spot in the woods and use natural materials to build your fairy houses. 
2.     Find natural materials like bark, stones, sticks, grass, pinecones or leaves that are on the ground

Go outside and make art! Will you make an elaborate fairy home? Think your nature sculptures fit for the Louvre? Make sure to share them to our Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter accounts with #VermontStateParks.

Looking for more spring activities? Check out our Venture Vermont Outdoor Challenge!

What's your favorite way to celebrate the beauty of nature? Share in the comments below!


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