Sand Bar State Park Is Seeking Food Trucks And Ice Cream Vendors For Summer 2018!
The Vermont Department of Forests, Parks & Recreation is
seeking food truck operators and an ice cream concessionaire at Sand Bar State
Introduction and
Sand Bar State Park hosts between 40,000-50,000 visitors
each season. On peak weekend days, the park often hosts several hundred people
sunbathing on the beach. Food concessions have historically operated 7 days a
week from a building in the park or a seasonal trailer parked all summer in one
location for the duration of the summer season.
In 2017, the State experimented with a new food concession model using various
food trucks on peak weekends, mid-June to mid-August and a seasonal ice cream
concession, Friday-Sunday and holidays, mid-June through Labor Day.
How it will work:

Ice Cream: Due to the popularity and demand for ice
cream products, including scooped ice cream, soft serve and ice cream
novelties, the state is seeking an ice cream vendor who can commit to operating
for the entire season, from mid-June to Labor Day, at least Friday-Sunday and
holidays. If one vendor is unable to
commit for the entire season, the state shall consider scheduling multiple
The State Shall
• A
prominent place to park a food truck at Sand Bar State Park.
A second prominent location for an ice cream
concession with access to electricity and water.
• Promotion
on the park website.
• Promotion
within the park buildings.
• Social
media love through Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
• A fun
State Park team to work with.
Food Truck Vendors
Shall Provide:
• Tasty
food that our park visitors will be psyched to eat!
• A self-contained unit without need
for grid power. Generators are allowed,
but they must be the quiet kind out of respect for our environment and park
• Some
reasonably healthy options to balance out the less healthy ones.
• Cheerful
staff who will work with our Park Staff to make this a successful venture.
• Trash cans and recycling cans if
you so choose, but not only trash cans.
It’s a pack it in, pack it out park, but the law says that if we collect
trash, we must provide a recycling option as well.
• A percentage of gross sales for the entire
season if one vendor is selected, or nominal daily vending fee of $20 per day
(multiple vendors).
• A certificate of liability
insurance naming the State as additionally insured (see Attachment C document
for specifics), as well as vehicle liability and workers compensation coverage
if applicable.
Ice Cream Vendors Shall Provide:
Ice cream products of their choice, which may
include scooped ice cream, soft serve, ice cream novelties and popsicles.
Trash cans and recycling cans if you so choose,
but not only trash cans. It’s a pack it
in, pack it out park, but the law says that if we collect trash, we must
provide a recycling option as well.
percentage of gross sales for the entire season if one vendor is
selected, or nominal daily vending fee of $20 per day (multiple vendors)..
A certificate of liability insurance naming the
State as additionally insured (see Attachment C document for specifics), as
well as vehicle liability and workers compensation coverage if applicable.
Preparation of
Please provide a proposal that includes your name and
business name, mailing address, email, and phone number, as well as a proposed
menu, including prices and biographical information, including how long you
have been operating and where you have operated. Please also include a photo of your food
truck or trailer. Additionally, please
provide your date preferences and availability.
Vendors proposing to operate for the entire season must submit their proposed
percentage of gross sales (commission) to provide to the State. Proposals that are incomplete will be
Time Frame

Selection and
scheduling of Vendors:
Will be based upon the amount of interest this request
generates and the availability of vendors.
Vendors with the most availability will be given greatest preference in
selection and scheduling. Vendors will be evaluated on the diversity,
creativity and overall quality of their menus, the aesthetic quality of their
truck, trailer or concession unit and the commission percentage provided (if
applicable). Vendors must be able to
comply provisions of Attachment C to qualify for this opportunity.
Form of
The State and all selected vendors will enter into state
form contract agreements which will set rates and responsibilities. Scheduling
will not be part of the contract and will be finalized as described above.
Reservation of
State’s Rights:
The State Reserves the right;
• to accept or reject any and all
bids, in whole or in part, with or without cause in the best interest of the
• to waive technicalities in
submissions; (A technicality is a minor deviation from the requirements of an
RFP that does not impact the substantive terms of the bid/RFP and can be
considered without a material impact on the RFP process, etc.).
• to make purchases outside of the
awarded contracts where it is deemed in the best interest of the State; and
• to obtain clarification or
additional information.
Please direct all questions to:
Rob Peterson
Parks Regional Manager
802 279-8329
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