Mrs. Vermont 2015 Teams Up with Vermont State Parks

We go together like pageantry and parks! Dorilee LeBlanc, AKA Mrs. Vermont 2015, is building her pageant platform around getting kids outside, active, and re-connected with nature, and we couldn't be happier to help.

"There are so many reasons why I love this challenge," says Dorilee. "It encourages folks to get outside and be active; it's free or super affordable; and it creates a bonding experience and goals to reach as a family."

This summer, Dorilee will be visiting several state parks to do activities with kids that will also count toward their Venture Vermont Outdoor Challenges. She already assisted us in the awarding of our first Random Acts of Camping certificate at Elmore State Park, and is gearing up for a grand tour of the parks on the following dates:

Friday, July 17th, 10am-1pm: Sand Bar State Park for Sandcastles and Creatures
Sunday, July 26th, 11am-1pm: Waterbury Center State Park for a Nature Trail Scavenger Hunt
Saturday, August 1st, 10am-noon: Mt. Philo State Park for a Summit Hike
Sunday, August 9th, 11am-1pm: Kingsland Bay State Park for Lawn Games and/or Water Fun
Saturday, August 15th, 11am: Little Loop Trail Hike from Groton Nature Center
Saturday, August 15th, 5:30pm: Picnic Dinner on Owl's Head (meet at Groton Nature Center)

Don't forget to bring your Venture Vermont Score Sheets to these events to take advantage of the points! We can't wait to see you out there getting active with Mrs. Vermont and the Vermont State Parks.

by Carlie Timbie
Vermont State Parks


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