Microhikes and Microbrews: Fort Dummer & Whetstone Station

By: Erin & Evan Meenan
For this month's edition of Microhikes and Microbrews, we decided to take advantage of the recent collaboration between the Vermont State Parks and Whetstone Station. This summer, Whetstone, located in downtown Brattleboro, is brewing two beers inspired by two of Vermont's state parks. The beer currently featured at Whetstone is Fort Dummer Summer inspired by, of course, Fort Dummer State Park.

Fort Dummer State Park is located in Guilford, VT. The park contains several camp sites, including some with lean-tos. It also offers a recreation field and three hiking trails: Sunrise Trail, Sunset Trail, and Broad Brook Trail. Combined, the trails are approximately 2 miles long and are all really well maintained and marked. The Sunrise and Sunset Trails both have vista points. On the Sunrise Trail, you can see the location of the original fort and from the Sunset Trail you can see one of the oldest churches in Vermont. These two trails are relatively flat and wide, which make them perfect for a group hike. The Broad Brook Trail is definitely the most strenuous of the three trails, but it is still really well maintained and marked.  Most importantly, it contains a popular swimming hole to cool off in at the half way point.

Another way to cool off after the hikes is to have some lunch and a beer at Whetstone Station located about 5 minutes away from the park right on the Connecticut River.  It has a full menu of great food and beers. If you go this month, you can try Fort Dummer Summer. If you go next month you can try Molly Stark Dark, named after Molly Stark State Park. Or, you could go twice and enjoy both! 


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