NCCC at Fort Dummer State Park

L to R, back row: Park Ranger Rob Van Zandt, Kyler, Thompson Portland, OR, JoAnne Pohl, Lansing, MI, Kalieb Haslag, Jefferson City, MO, Drew Pinchcack, Baltimore, MD. .Front row: Kirsten Jacobse, Minneapolis, MN, Michael Gary, Portland, OR and Auds Curtis, Portland, OR By: Reuben Allen Seven members of the National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC) have set up camp at Ft. Dummer State Park where they are helping prepare the park for the 2014 season. Over the winter, more than 1,000 trees were removed from the park campground during a timber sale in and around the park. The project included thinning to encourage growth of low vegetation between sites, removal of hazard trees, and clearing of several areas for planned infrastructure construction. Although the project resulted in numerous long-term improvements to the park, in the short term it resulted in a much larger than usual spring cleanup for the park staff. As a resul...