Mud Season Hiking

The snow has melted and the sun is starting the shine which means two things in Vermont: 1) it’s finally spring and 2) it’s mud season. Hiking trails take a serious hit during this time of year, especially those at higher altitudes that are exposed to heavy spring rain and snow melt. When walkers trek over muddy trails, it can lead to soil compaction and erosion, damaging the trail and keeping it muddy longer. Help to preserve the trails this spring by sticking to recreation paths, dirt roads, and trails at lower elevations.

Mud Season Hiking Guidelines:
  • If a trail is so muddy that you need to walk on the vegetation beside it, turn back and find another place to hike.
  • Plan spring hikes in hardwood forests at lower elevations.
  • Avoid spruce-fir (conifer) forest at higher elevations and on north slopes before late May and from the end of October until frozen or snow covered.
  • Trails at Camels Hump and Mt. Mansfield are closed from snow melt (now) until late May. Please do not hike there. Stay below 3000 feet during this time of year.
Some recommended places to hike this spring are: 

For more information about mud season hiking, visit the Green Mountain Club’s website at


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