Get Ready for Summer with Camping Tips & Tricks

Spring has finally arrived in Vermont and that means Vermont State Parks will be opening soon! Are you ready to explore, play, and camp in the parks this summer? 

Our website has lots of great resources to help you organize your next summer adventure. The Camping Tips & Tricks video series walks you through every step of the camping process from choosing a place to go, to setting up camp, to building a fire. Our camp menus, recipes, and shopping lists have ideas for different breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and desserts that you can make at your site and the Activities section offers many ideas for games and projects that will keep everyone entertained. Check out the Weekend Itineraries to get inspired during your next camping trip!

To see all of the How-to resources on our website,visit:


  1. I remember doing these when I was little. I want to provide the same kind of environment for my kids, even though we live in Washington. Maybe a summer camp program of some sort would be fun.


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