Greening Up Brighton State Park, by Eric Boucahrd, Ranger

Saturday May 4, 2013, Boy Scout Troop 804 of Newport, VT made their way to Brighton State Park for Green Up Day.

Troop members and leaders worked diligently through the day to help get the park ready for the upcoming season. Rangers Eric Bouchard and Vela Mesina worked alongside the troop raking and leaf blowing from the main entrance, around the Ranger station and up close to where the sites begin. Along the way trash and other large debris was also removed. It was a very productive day and not only were we happy to have the help, but the troops seemed to really enjoy the work and felt a real sense of accomplishment after the job was done. At the end of the day,  deserving scouts were presented packets with goodies including snacks, Jr. Ranger booklets and patches by the Rangers. 

We want to thank them for all of their time and efforts as well as all that they do to make the world and community a better place. You can always count on the Boy Scouts! We appreciate you Troop 804.


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