Off the Beaten Path: Programming Returns to Maidstone

Off the Beaten Path: Programming Returns to Maidstone
Eric Bouchard, Assistant Ranger, Maidstone State Park

What to do? What to do? Our family has driven so many hours to get to Maidstone and we have already exhausted all of the park’s recreational options. The closest town is at least a half hour away; and the kids are bored and crying that they want to go home. We want to stay to enjoy the peace and serenity the park has to offer, but we also know that that kids need to be entertained.

Does this sound familiar?

Well worry no more. We here at Maidstone, realize that in today’s society, kids and adults alike have become too reliant on TV, computers and video games for entertainment and that when you are out camping, even though you want to relax, you also want to be entertained and engage in activities. That said, we have been diligently working to develop and deliver both educational and entertaining programs for the entire family.

In addition to our weekly, Saturday Night movie and weekend wake-up yoga, we will be also be offering a Friday open-mike campfire story night (bring your own smores). Additionally, on Saturday and/or Sunday we will also be offering new programs that are currently in the development phase. Programs that have already been offered include:

  • Camping 101: The Do’s and Don’ts
  • A Jewelry Workshop
  • A Scavenger Hunt

A few that we have been considering for successive weekends include: 

  • Using Nature to Find Your Way in the Woods
  • A Canoe Race
  • Using Nature to Build or Design Birdhouses
  • A field-day (Three-legged races, sack races, etc)
  • A sand castle contest
  • Guided hikes
  • A Blues Concert

Those are just some to name a few. In any case, when you are trying to determine which VT State Campground to visit in the future, know that we understand that we are in the middle of nowhere, and that you want to be able to entertain your kids as well as enjoy the peace and serenity that this park has to offer. This is why we are striving to bring more to your Maidstone Experience.


  1. AnonymousJuly 15, 2012

    Excellent ideas! Campers will sure appreciate the added time and effort that Maidstone Staff are dedicating to making family camping in VT an enjoyable experience. Thumbs up to Maidstone!!!!

  2. AnonymousJuly 15, 2012

    Way to go, Maidstone>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


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