Hidden Talents of State Park Staff

Aaron Jacobs is the Ranger at Smugglers' Notch State Park. In the winter, he is also the Ranger for the Stone Hut on top of Mt. Mansfield. Aaron's hidden talent is that he's a computer genius. He's the one that came up with the idea for the interactive campground maps and works on making the maps interactive over the winter. He also started this blog and came up with the idea for Venture Vermont.
What do all these hidden talents mean for you? Savings, for sure. But even more so, their contributions have made the parks better for everyone. By having a DIY, go-for-it attitude and sharing their talents and skills that are beyond their normal job descriptions (guess that's "other duties as assigned") they've gotten us ahead faster, farther and more efficiently than we could have otherwise.
Do you have any hidden talents you'd like to share? Drop us a line a parks@state.vt.us.
I recognize that Frank Spaulding guy from the Career Fair I went to. Nice guy.