Celebrate Vermont Days with Free Entrance to Vermont State Parks and State Historic Sites  


MONTPELIER, Vt.As part of Vermont Days, the State of Vermont is offering free admission to Vermont State Parks and Vermont State Historic Sites on Saturday, June 8 and Sunday, June 9, 2024. 

Vermont Days is a great way to explore Vermont, enjoy the warmer weather, and try something new this summer. We’re offering free admission to Vermont State Parks and State Historic Sites all weekend long,” said Vermont Department of Tourism and Marketing Commissioner Heather Pelham.   


The Vermont State Park system turns 100 years old this year. Celebrate Vermont Days by visiting one of Vermont's 55 state parks. 


We want to hear from our loyal Vermont State Park fans about what parks mean to them, and we're eager to welcome new visitors who haven't typically visited state parks before,said State Parks Director Nate McKeen. Mckeen also encourages people to join the anniversary celebration during Vermont Days and beyond. “Share your parks stories, plan your next visit, explore our calendar of events, and purchase special edition 100th anniversary merchandise at the Vermont State Parks 100th Anniversary website. 


In addition to free admission to Vermont State Parks and State Historic Sites, the Vermont History Museum in Montpelier will offer free admission on Saturday, June 8 

There will also be several family-friendly events happening throughout the weekend.  


Event details are as follows:   


Free Fishing Day 

Saturday, June 8 | Statewide 

Vermont's Free Fishing Day allows both resident and nonresident anglers to go fishing in Vermont for the day without a license. While it will be free to fish across the entire state on June 8, and anglers without a license can fish on that day, anglers still need to follow the state fishing regulations. Learn more about Free Fishing Day.  


Grand Isle Fishing Festival 

Saturday, June 8 | 9:00 am - 3:00 pm 
Ed Weed Fish Culture Station, 14 Bell Hill Road, Grand Isle (map) 

Designed for young anglers and families, this free event offers basic fishing instruction, free fishing equipment to borrow, and the chance for kids to catch big trout in the hatchery pond. The day will be filled with a variety of activities from fish biology, fly casting, law digest and regulations, lure making, fish cleaning and more. Learn more about the festival. 


Vermont History Museum | Montpelier 

Saturday, June 8 | 10:00 am - 4:00 pm 

109 State St, Montpelier, VT 05609 

The Vermont History Museum in Montpelier will open on June 8, with admission by donation for residents and nonresidents. Visitors can experience various exhibits, including “Freedom & Unity,” “A Stitch in Time,” “Calvin Coolidge: Vermont’s President,” and “Fairbanks Scales: Weighing the World,” which tell the story of Vermont and the people who have lived here.  


Vermont State Parks Centennial  

Enjoy free day use entry to all Vermont State Parks’ day use areas. Explore the parks, make new memories, and share your park stories. Learn more about celebrating 100 years of Vermont State Parks at www.vermontparksforever.org/100-years. 

Lorie DeHimer Concert at Townshend State Park 

2755 State Forest Rd, Townshend, VT 05353 

Saturday, June 8 | 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm 

Enjoy acoustic music from local performer Lorie DeHimer.


Fly a Kite at Vermont State Historic Sites  

Saturday, June 8 and Sunday, June 9 | 10:00 am - 5:00 pm 

All Vermont State Historic Sites encourage visitors to BYOK- bring your own kite – and fly it at a State Historic Site. If you do not already have a kite, you can purchase one at sites with gift shops.  

Musical Storytelling by Eli Elkus at Knight Point State Park   

Saturday, June 8 | 3:00-5:00 pm 

Knight Point State Park, 44 Knights Point Rd, North Hero, VT 05474 – Meet at the shelter 

This will be a free concert with park entry. Eli Elkus is a Musical Storyteller, SongCraftsman, and Folk Activist. He began sculpting his craft as a young troubadour fishin' for songs by the riversides and busking in the streets of New England. It was here the love of folk music and storytelling found him, connecting with perfect strangers through meter, melody, and merit-making story and song. Music for the people, by the people. And so it goes. The ramblin’ folk singer plays and tells for multigenerational audiences across the USA and beyond, freewheelin’ in his road sweet home 'JeBus' with his trusty hound Bronco. His performances draw upon a vast repertoire of original songs and stories from his travels and rekindlings of Old Timey Americana, Folk & Blues songs dating back to the early 1900s. Recent works have been in cahoots with his partner in life and songcrafting Lara Wahl, including their first album together, Postcards From Heaven.  


To request accessible accommodations for any of the events listed above, please contact Elle O’Casey (Chief Marketing Officer) at elle.ocasey@vermont.gov or 802-760-9967.  


For more information on Vermont Days, visit www.vermontdays.com. 


Media Contacts:  


Kaitlin Alford, Parks Sales & Service Manager 

Vermont State Parks 


Joshua Morse, Public Information Officer 

Vermont Department of Fish and Wildlife  

joshua.morse@vermont.gov, 802-261-0335 


Victoria Sample, Historic Sites Section Chief 

Vermont State Historic Sites 




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