Winners Announced for Best In Snow - Vermont State Parks Winter Photo Contest

The results are in for the 2021 Best In Snow photo contest. Congratulations to our winners! The photos (seen below) that received the most votes in each category are as follows.

Action Shots

1. Snowshoeing, smiles and sunshine at beautiful Lowell Lake - Pam Guenkel Jones

2. Snowshoe adventures near Woodford State Park - Jessica Cronin

Scenic Landscapes

1. Galactic center and the Milky Way raise over Smugglers Notch - Brian Drourr

2. During the sunset these trees were getting the last hour of the sun. The clouds just turned yellow by the sun and created this beautiful frame. The trees shadows on the snow and the golden background at the top made it for me. I could have spent the entire day looking at this changing. - JuanCarls Gonzalez

Thanks to everyone who participated and helped make this contest a success! We’ll have another one coming soon!


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