Now Hiring: Director of State Parks

Park visitors enjoy Alburgh Dunes State Park - R. Schwan-Noble

Celebrate Vermont's most spectacular outdoor places, share the immense natural and cultural heritage of the state with both neighbors and visitors, support the economy and values of local communities, and lead the passionate and dedicated team behind one of the nation's finest state park systems. The Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation (FPR) seeks a Director of State Parks.

This is a key management position within the Department and is responsible for management of the Vermont state park system, including park planning and operations, capital construction and maintenance activities, and marketing and promotional efforts. Supervision is exercised over a staff of professional, technical and other personnel. Significant interaction occurs with federal and state officials as well as a variety of recreation oriented and travel industry groups. Duties are performed under the general direction of the Commissioner of Forests, Parks & Recreation and in concert with other Directors responsible for additional aspects of the Department's mission. This position combines managerial and technical work while supervising a large, statewide staff of Parks employees.

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Responsibilities include personnel management and employee development, process improvement, providing direction for and creation of procedural rules and policies, budget and financial planning, and redeveloping organizational structures when needed, as well as frequent interaction and collaboration with many department, state, federal, public, and private partners and the general public.

The ideal candidate is a skilled leader and experienced manager with considerable knowledge and experience in the parks and recreation field, brings excellent communication and supervisory skills, and consistently approaches all aspects of work with a high level of professionalism.

This is a permanent, full-time position. To learn more and apply, visit Applications are due by December 27, 2020. Please direct questions to


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