Proposed Rule Change: Visitor Conduct and Fees and Charges for State Park Service and Commercial Activities on Department Lands

Periodically Vermont State Parks has the need to adjust fees and visitor policies. This is done by a process called the Administrative Procedures Act (APA) and the Office of the Secretary of State.

The proposed rule changes are vetted by a cross-agency committee (ICAR) and a legislative committee (LCAR). 

An important aspect of the rule change process is soliciting public feedback on the proposed changes. 

We invite you to share your comments via email to and/or attend a public hearing scheduled for 5:30 PM July 26, 2019 at the Dewey Conference Room at the National Life campus in Montpelier.

Proposed rule changes include:

Fee adjustments needed to help recover increasing costs of state park system operation and maintenance. 
  • Tent sites to increase by $1/night.
  • Lean-to's to increase by $3/per night.
Adjusting minimum and maximum stays in certain camping circumstances:
  • Campers traveling as touring groups intending to stay at multiple campgrounds during their trip may make one (1) night reservations for individual park stays.
  • There will be no minimum reservation period for camping groups in group camping areas or in other campgrounds before June 15 and after Labor Day, except over Memorial Day weekend.
  • There will be no minimum reservation period for Green River Reservoir State Park, Molly’s Falls State Park or Waterbury Reservoir remote sites.
  • The maximum stay for a camper on any campsite shall be twenty-one (21) consecutive nights  A camper occupying a campsite for the maximum stay must vacate the campsite and may not occupy that site or any other site in that campground for a period of at least 7 days.
Expanding requirement that pets be on leash at all times in designated state park campgrounds and day use areas due to increased use and abundance of pet-related incidents:
  • During the operating season, visitors may bring domesticated or trained animals to designated campgrounds and day use areas provided they are safely confined or securely restrained on a leash not longer than 10 feet at all times.  No animals will be allowed in certain day use areas including parking lots, beaches, pools, picnic areas and playgrounds. EXCEPTION: Dogs/animals to assist people with disabilities and Police Canine Corps dogs are allowed in any public area of the park, if under leash or harness control of an owner or handler.
  • The maximum stay per camper at any remote area is seven (7) consecutive nights.
Modify marina slip occupancy rules for Burton Island:
  • There is no minimum reservation requirement for marina slips.
  • Slip assignments are not final until the vessel is officially checked-in at the contact station. 
Maple sugar operations:
  • The Commissioner of Forests, Parks & Recreation shall establish a per tap license charge at a reasonable rate that reflects current market rates.
You may review the entire annotated proposed rule document at:

Comments may be emailed to


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