Enhancements coming for Lake Shaftsbury State Park

Contact: Reuben Allen
Vermont Department of Forests, Parks, and Recreation | Agency of Natural Resources
(802) 786-3838, reuben.allen@vermont.gov

Enhancements coming for Lake Shaftsbury State Park
Shaftsbury, Vt. -- Several operational changes are slated for Lake Shaftsbury State Park for the upcoming summer season. These changes are in response to increased visitation and a continuing effort to better serve the demands of park visitors.

Changes include a new playground, a more relaxed pet policy, and an extended operating season. The playground is expected to be in place and ready for visitors by mid-June and will include swings, a dome-shaped climbing structure and a large, classic play structure.

For the first time, pets will be allowed in the park everywhere except the sandy beach and inside buildings. Access areas for dogs to go for a swim separated from the beach area have been identified and will be posted with clear signage before the park opens. Pet owners will be required to follow the Park’s pet rules. Animals must be on a leash at all times, and owners must clean up after their pets.

Cottage at Lake Shaftsbury State Park
Also, to better enjoy the balmy early fall weather, the park, including the picnic pavilion, group camping area, and rental cottage will remain open through mid-October rather than closing right after Labor Day weekend as it has in the past.

State Parks Regional Manager, Reuben Allen hopes each of these changes will encourage more people to come enjoy the park. “The playground was an easy decision. Kids love playgrounds,” he said. “Additionally, we would like to offer pet owners an opportunity to enjoy the park during the operating season without having to leave their pets at home.”

Picnic Pavilion at Lake Shaftsbury State Park
The park pavilion offers an opportunity that Allen hopes local businesses and school groups will want to take advantage of during the expanded season. With seating and tables for 100 people, cooking grills, nearby bathrooms, and close access to the new playground, Allen says it is a great option for all large groups, including school activities.

Guests looking to stay overnight in the fall can now reserve the fully furnished rental cottage through Indigenous Peoples' Day weekend.  Camping groups will also now be able to reserve the group lean-to’s through Indigenous Peoples' Day weekend.

Reservation and other park information is available online at www.vtstateparks.com, or through the State Parks central reservation line at 1-888-409-7579. During the operating season, calls can also be directed to the park office at 375-9978.

For more information on Lake Shaftsbury State Park, visit: https://www.vtstateparks.com/shaftsbury.html


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