Enhancements coming for Lake Shaftsbury State Park

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – March 28, 2019 Contact: Reuben Allen Vermont Department of Forests, Parks, and Recreation | Agency of Natural Resources (802) 786-3838, reuben.allen@vermont.gov Enhancements coming for Lake Shaftsbury State Park Shaftsbury, Vt. -- Several operational changes are slated for Lake Shaftsbury State Park for the upcoming summer season. These changes are in response to increased visitation and a continuing effort to better serve the demands of park visitors. Changes include a new playground, a more relaxed pet policy, and an extended operating season. The playground is expected to be in place and ready for visitors by mid-June and will include swings, a dome-shaped climbing structure and a large, classic play structure. For the first time, pets will be allowed in the park everywhere except the sandy beach and inside buildings. Access areas for dogs to go for a swim separated fr...