We're Still Open! Park Operations After Labor Day

Fall kayak at Kettle Pond State Park 
Days are getting shorter, nights are chilly and some stray trees have started to turn red, orange and
gold. Summer may be over, but about half of our parks are open through Columbus Day, and a select few are open even later. So stop by for a visit- fall is a great time for camping, hiking, paddling, or getting in one final picnic before the earmuffs come on.

Below is our late season operating list:

Parks Open Through Columbus Day Weekend (October 9)

Parks Open Until October 15
Smugglers' Notch
Elmore (no camping, beach house is open to reserve only)

Parks Open Until October 16 

Parks Open Until October 22

Parks Open Year-Round
Taconic Mountains Ramble (Japanese Garden open Memorial Day through Columbus Day weekend) 


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