A winter walk in Allis State Park: photo essay

White, green and (sometimes) blue: The colors of woods winter

On a vacation day in late December, I happened to be driving past Allis State Park and decided to stop for a walk. It was a lovely day: sunny, not too cold and a fresh covering of snow.

On the day I visited, the gate was open and the road to the contact station plowed. This was lucky for me since I had left my snowshoes at home. 

The park was not busy, but certainly not deserted either. As I was leaving, another car pulled in- these people well equipped with winter gear and snowshoes.

Allis is also a good place to go sledding. The park road is perfect for a long ride, and there are more gentle hills in the day use area. One caveat: make sure the gate is closed before going on a joy ride! 

Since I was so close, I also stopped at Baker Pond and the Floating Bridge, which both have a very different feel in the wintertime.

Fresh snow and sun always puts people in a good mood. Next time, I will remember to bring my


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