#OptOutside on Black Friday with Vermont State Parks

In the past few years, you may have noticed the growing movement around the country focused on
getting folks outside and active on Black Friday as an alternative to shopping. Outdoor retailer REI has been a leader in promoting this message- closing its stores on Black Friday and promoting it online using the hashtag #OptOutside.

That's a message that we can get behind. In that spirit, Vermont State Parks is joining in, and want to remind everyone once again that all of our parks will offer FREE admission on Black Friday. (In fact, for the rest of the off-season too!)

We encourage everyone to spend that extra time outside with friends and family enjoying our beautiful state. Our parks have many great spots to walk, bike, hike, run, or just sit and digest the 3 pieces of pie you just ate.

We're also inviting people to take pictures of themselves, friends and family as they #OptOutside, and share them with us on social media. Post them to our Facebook page or Twitter feed, and tag them #OptOutside and @VtStateParks. By sharing your photo, you'll have the opportunity to win a 2017 Vermont State Parks pass!

Ways To #OptOutside

We are compiling an every-growing list of fun ideas. Please add your suggestions in the comments below.. what is your favorite way to Opt Outside? 
  • Ride your bike around Button Bay State Park, or walk to Button Point 
  • Walk the Healing Springs Nature Trail at Lake Shaftsbury State Park 
  • Take a stroll from Gifford Woods State Park around Kent Pond 
  • Watch the boats on Lake Champlain from Kingsland Bay
  • Get a geology lesson while walking the trails at Niquette Bay State Park, then sit by the beach at the Calm Cove 
  • Skip stones on your favorite body of water 
  • Walk the easy but very quiet 2 mile trail around Osmore Pond in the Groton State Forest 
  • Looking for more lake views in southern VT? The trail at Lowell Lake State Park circles the lake through easy terrain. 
  • Ride your favorite Rail Trail! 


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