Vermont State Parks' Director Receives Prestigious National Award

The Legends award is presented to distinguished leaders who
have made outstanding contributions to the field of parks and recreation. Video
interviews are conducted with each recipient, exploring their personal
background, professional insights and philosophical beliefs and are made
available to educate and inspire others working in parks and recreation
administration. Only a few recipients are awarded each year, and Craig is only
the third Vermonter ever to receive the award, joining Theresa Brungardt,
Vermont’s first Director of Recreation, and Edward Koenemann, former State Park
Whipple was nominated by Cindi Wight, Superintendent at
Rutland Recreation and Parks Department. Wight explains, “Craig demonstrates
exemplary leadership. He is a fantastic mediator and has a special talent for
acknowledging and appreciating others’ point of view. Craig is an inspiring
leader who fosters a cooperative, collaborative culture.”
Just a sampling of Whipple’s accomplishments includes
working with health officials to create the Park Prescriptions Program and the
Venture Vermont Outdoor Challenge. Whipple was also the primary driver on the
Governor’s Commission on the Future of State Parks which evolved into Vermont
Parks Forever, the statewide foundation supporting Vermont State Parks.
Nationally, Craig was a founder of the State Park Leadership School and served
on the Board of Regents for the Park Maintenance School and as a board member
of the National Association of State Park Directors. Whipple also serves on the
board of the Vermont Campground Association, and is a member of Vermont’s
Governor’s Council on Physical Recreation.
In 2014 Whipple was presented with Vermont’ highest
Recreation and Parks award, the Theresa Brungardt Professional award.
Michael Snyder, Vermont’s Commissioner of Forests, Parks and
Recreation adds, “We are all very proud of and pleased for Craig; this is a
prestigious and very well-earned award. Craig is a visionary and effective
leader who keeps it fun and all Vermonters should be proud that our Director of
State Parks is being honored nationally as the legend we know him to be.”
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