Mount Philo State Park Public Meeting & Recreation Workshop

MONTPELIER - As part of the ongoing update of the long-range management plan for Mt. Philo State Park, the Vermont Department of Forests, Parks & Recreation is hosting a recreation workshop meeting for the public.

The meeting will be held from 6:00-8:00 PM on Tuesday, June 14, 2016 at Kingsland Bay State Park, Ferrisburgh, Vermont.

Mt. Philo, Vermont’s oldest State Park is dominated by the 968-foot Mount Philo with spectacular views of the Lake Champlain Valley and the Adirondack Mountains of New York. The park is popular for camping, hiking, and weddings. The 2010 donation of 60 acres from Charles and Gwen Allmon brings the total acreage of Mt. Philo State Park to 232 acres. General information about these lands is available (
The format for the workshop will include facilitated small group discussions on a variety of recreation topics related to Mt. Philo State Park. Workshop participants will be asked to bring their ideas and input to these discussions which will help to shape the discussion regarding management at Mt. Philo. There will be opportunity at these discussions to share ideas and input along with others interested in recreation at the state park. There will be one table that provides an opportunity for generating ideas. Information gathered from this and other public involvement events will be considered during the development of the long-range management plan for Mt. Philo State Park.

Pre-registration is required. Space is limited; please RVSP at If interest in the workshop exceeds building capacity, we will host a second workshop. 


Maria Mayer                                                                          Lisa Thornton 
Parks Regional Manager                                                       Stewardship Forester
VT Dept. Forests, Parks & Recreation                          VT Dept. Forests, Parks & Recreation
271 North Main Street, Suite 215                                          271 North Main Street, Suite 215
Rutland, Vermont 05701                                                        Rutland, Vermont 05701                                           


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