Karalyn Mark: A Summer in Vermont

Guest Blogger: Karalyn Mark 
Karalyn Mark spent the past summer as a Vermont State Parks Photography Intern.
She grew up in Southeastern PA before traveling to Ithaca, NY, where she is currently pursuing a B.S. in Still Photography at Ithaca College.

At the age of 10, Karalyn began experimenting with disposable cameras given to her by her parents and fell in love with the art. Her passion for photography has continued to expand, and she enjoys photographing in both digital and film mediums. This past fall, Karalyn self-published a book Southbound, consisting of 35mm color photographs.

As my internship with the Vermont State Parks comes to a close, I can say that living in Vermont has been an incredible experience. I was raised in the suburbs of Southeastern Pennsylvania, and am currently a senior majoring in Still Photography at Ithaca College. I was intent on spending a summer in a new environment and exploring the outdoors. I found an apartment, and moved to Warren, VT this past May to begin working as a Photography Intern.

This summer provided me with an opportunity to focus on my photographic work, both for the parks and personal projects. I expanded my photography portfolio with images of Vermont’s wildlife, flora, and landscapes. I have also been working on my Photography Workshop project (senior thesis), which consists of a body of film photographs. My work acts as an exploration of my immersion in these new surroundings, while documenting the still forests and habitats within Vermont.

This internship has allowed me to explore all that the Vermont State Parks have to offer. I often revisited parks, as I would find something new to capture during each outing. I’ve photographed numerous parks, and have met many welcoming individuals along the way.

While expanding my portfolio, I was able to enjoy outdoor activities at the parks, such as swimming in the lakes and hiking. The Groton State Forests and its parks became one of my favorite places in the state. The pond trails at Seyon Lodge, New Discovery, and Kettle Pond allow for relaxing, meditative walks. My camera became a tool for me to record these experiences, and my photographs of the parks act as a journal of my time spent here.

After a beautiful summer in the Mad River Valley, I’m feeling thankful for this experience. I hope that my photographs from this summer will provide others with a glimpse of Vermont’s beauty. While I’m missing Vermont already, I look forward to returning soon and making more photographs.

See more of Karalyn's work on her website: www.karalynmark.com.
To see photos from her Photography Internship, visit: http://bit.ly/1mRG5SS


  1. As a photo intern myself, Karalyn's story inspires me. Nice work and good luck with your future endeavors Karalyn

  2. Very nice pictures. Sounds like you had a great summer adventure!!! (MedicNine)


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