Almost Full Moon Hike at Niquette Bay

This past weekend, visitors arrived at Niquette Bay State Park in Colchester to celebrate Saturday's almost full moon with an evening snowshoe hike. The 1.5 mile hike through the park had a turnout of about 40 people, including several visiting the park for the first time and Milton Boy Scout Pack #43.

The hike was led by Niquette Bay State Park Ranger, Lisa Liotta. According to Lisa, “an hour or so before the hike, a heavy snow began to fall and continued all through the event, adding a couple inches of snow to the trails and turning the park into a winter wonderland.”

Though the moon wasn't entirely visible through the snow, hikers enjoyed a beautiful winter evening in the park. Following the hike, everyone warmed up with some hot cocoa and a bonfire, expertly maintained by the boy scouts. 

Stay tuned for Wildflower Walks at Niquette Bay this spring!


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