Record Red Pine at Brighton State Park
Last spring during a trail walk, Neil Monteith, a forester
with the Vermont Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation, discovered a large
red pine tree at Brighton State Park. After measuring the height,
circumference, and diameter of the tree, it was revealed that the tree surpassed
the current record for the largest red pine tree in Vermont.
According to the book Wetland, Woodland, Wildland by
Eric Sorensen and Elizabeth Thompson, “Red pine…is especially well adapted to
fire. Its bark is thick and resistant to burning. Red pine seeds germinate best
in a mineral soil seedbed, so a burned ridgetop provides a good place for the species
to get established.” Bob Zaino, an
ecologist with the Vermont Department of Fish & Wildlife, notes that the
similar age of all of the trees found in the red pine stand suggests that the trees grew following a fire.
The record-setting red pine is in good health and measures
103 feet tall, with a circumference of 96 inches. Brighton State Park is free and open during the winter. With the deciduous leaves gone, it's a great time to visit the tree. Check out the map at left to locate the record red pine. If that fails, knock on Ranger Eric's door and if he's around, he will be happy to help.
To learn more about Brighton State Park, visit:
For more information about Big Trees in Vermont, visit:
For more information about Big Trees in Vermont, visit:
Thanks to Neil Monteith, Bob Zaino, and Brighton State Park Ranger Eric Bouchard for providing information and photos.
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