Our Maintenance Techs: The Unsung Heroes of Vermont State Parks

by Eric Bouchard, Ranger, Brighton State Park

When you’re a new Ranger at a new park and trying to understand, update, clean, organize and revamp its structures and grounds, who do you turn to?

When it’s a cold, rainy and snowy holiday weekend and all three sets of restrooms have shower malfunctions, who do you call?

When there are more issues than campers in your park, who is always there?

When you have one cockamamie idea after another, and want to make those ideas a reality, who is always there to lend a helping hand?

When you need a tool or part that can’t be obtained locally, who can you ask?

If you haven’t guessed already, I am speaking of our regional Maintenance Technicians. They are there for all of us, the staff and guests alike. They work tirelessly to ensure that everything runs smoothly and will go out of their way to help when they can and if they know that you truly care about the park.

Although they are mostly behind the scenes, they are the backbone of your team. This is why everyone should have and maintain a healthy relationship with their Maintenance Techs. They are one of our greatest assets and should all be recognized for all of their efforts. Thanks Warren and Keith.


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