Venture Vermont Bonus Activity #1

Venture Vermont Bonus Activity #1

Venture Vermont bonus activities will be posted once a week on Facebook and the activity needs to be completed in that specific week between Monday and Sunday of that week. 

Wednesday May 1st: Listen for Spring Peepers (15 pts) 
The warming of spring brings many animals to life. Listen for a "pee-eep. pee-eep, pee-eep" coming from the direction of a pond or a marshy spot. But be careful when looking to find the frog, it is so small and well camouflaged, so look low down while searching for them. Spring peepers are tree frogs but prefer low branches, bushes and they usually wait until desk to begin calling. 

Find out where Spring peepers live in the winter and if you can't find one to photograph, look it up and draw a picture of one labeling it with the proper species name. Good Luck!

How to Do the Challenge?
1. Download a score sheet
2. Do the fun outdoor activities listed on the score sheet between April 1, 2013 and October 15, 2013.
3. Take photos of your activities
4. When you reach 250+ points, submit your score sheet and photos to us.
5. Receive a VIP gold coin, good for FREE state park entry for the rest of this year and all of next!
6. Have a BLAST!!

If you are doing the challenge as a family, you can take group photos, but each family member needs their own score sheet. 


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