A view from above

Have you ever driven Rt. 108 though Smugglers Notch and looked up and seen people hanging off the rock some 300 feet in the air? This weekend many people saw two local climbers doing just that. They were climbing a section called the Quartz Crack, which is climbed in 4 pitches (4 sections) and was 340 feet long. Ranging in difficulty from 5.6- 5.9. Dylan Kunkel and Aaron Goldfield were cheered on the whole way. Here are some of their photos. 
Flaking the ropes getting ready at the base of the climb.

Aaron at the start of the 5.9 4th pitch. 

A view of the mega roof. 
View from the top of the second pitch of the valley.
View of the parking lot from the  top of the third pitch


  1. Thanks for the article. There is some great climbing in the Notch!


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