Essay Contest

People love Vermont for its distinctive landscape. The patchwork of mountains and river valleys, camps and villages, farms and forests, speaks to a love of nature, community, and self-reliance. That we value these things is clearly visible in our support of farming, but the value of working forests remains a mystery to many. We want to change that. Today, the loss of family dairy farms is being paralleled by the closing of sawmills and a decline in forest-based enterprises. Forestland that has, for years, been managed for sawlogs and fuel, is today going unmanaged, or worse, being parcelized and developed in a way that undermines the look and feel of Vermont. In light of this reality, the Vermont Woodlands Association is partnering with the Vermont Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation , the French Foundation and Northern Woodlands magazine to sponsor an essay contest for high school students. For more informat...