Sun Boxes are Coming to Vermont State Parks!

Sound artist Craig Calorusso is bringing his latest musical performance project, Sun Boxes, into five state parks for five weekends this summer. It's comprised of twenty speakers spread over a large, open lawn operating independently, each powered by the sun via solar panels. Inside each Sun Box is a PC board that has a recorded musical programmed to play continuously in a loop. Because the loops are different in length, once the piece begins they continually overlap and the piece slowly evolves over time.

Participants are encouraged to walk amongst the speakers, and surround themselves with the piece. Certain speakers will be closer and, therefore, louder, so the piece will sound different to different people in different positions throughout the array. Allowing the audience to move around will create a unique experience for everyone. In addition, as people wander through the speakers, they alter the composition. Given the option, two people will take different paths through the array and hear the composition differently. Sun Boxes is not just one composition, but, many.

Come experience Sun Boxes during regular operating hours at these parks:

July 5-7 at Elmore State Park in Lake Elmore
July 13-15 at Grand Isle State Park in Grand Isle
July 20-22 at Knight Point State Park in North Hero
July 27-29 at Silver Lake State Park in Barnard
Aug 2-5 at Camp Plymouth State Park in Ludlow

View a video of Sun Boxes
View a complete list of Vermont State Park Events


  1. It's brilliant!! I love it!

  2. AnonymousJuly 01, 2012

    Honestly when I go to a park I want peace and quiet. I do not want to hear a bunch of different music playing all over the place all day long. I am sure this is a neat project but I am not sure it belongs in a place where people come to enjoy nature and some peaceful family fun.

  3. AnonymousJuly 03, 2012

    Although the use of solar panels is commendable...are we not aiming to keep man made equipment, materials and noise OUT of our state parks and nature? I do not like where this could be going.

  4. Aaron CodlingJuly 05, 2012

    It is called art.
    I think it is a nice way to experience something new. I can't imagine it would ever be a permanent installation which is just fine. Be open minded and check it out. You may enjoy it.

  5. This sounds super cool! Can't wait to make my first trip to a state park this year just to see and hear this with my family!

  6. AnonymousJuly 13, 2012

    I think as a guest artist showcasing a brief event to be enjoyed outside, this is a great idea. State parks in public areas are NOT that quiet! this is "joyful" noise. Solar-on!

  7. AnonymousJuly 15, 2012

    How LAME, Whats next ?wireless hotspots in the lean-tos? Maybe cat-6 plugs on the picnic tables! Take it back to the High School parking lot!


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