How to Enjoy the Parks Before they "Open"

Vermont State Parks are always open and we hope you enjoy them in each and every season. With the warm weather here already, folks have been calling to see if they can get into their favorite park.

Here is what you need to know about enjoying the parks before their official "opening" dates:
  • Review our list of Off Season Parking and Gate Access.
  • If the gates are locked, just park outside and walk in, without blocking the gates. If the gates are open be careful that you don't get locked in (see gate access above).
  • Staff will not yet be onsite, restrooms are still closed and water is turned off.
  • Please carry in/carry out.
  • Let us know if there is anything amiss in the parks by emailing
  • Off season camping is available, via permit, up until May 1st. After May 1st, folks are welcome to visit for the day, but we won't allow camping so the staff can get ready for park opening.
  • No fees are collected during the off season.
  • When do the parks open? see our Operating Dates
Please stay off muddy trails, to protect them for all of us. For some great ideas for early spring hiking see our blog article, "A Local's Guide to Early Season Hiking"

Have a blast!
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