Save Some Green by Visiting a State Park

Trails Coordinator, Sherry
Winnie, hikes in Mt. Philo
That's right, save some green during this holiday season, by visiting a Vermont State Park (it's FREE day entry and primitive camping during the off season!) Take advantage of the fresh air and the prime views, by enjoying time outside with your friends and family in a nearby Vermont State Park. Deciduous trees have shed most of their leaves, so usually hidden views can now be seen. Below are five best hikes for friends and families to take after celebrating Thanksgiving. In addition, try doing some fun things while hiking - see below.

Take a relaxing walk in Waterbury Center State Park. The Nature Trail is mostly flat, relatively short (1/4 mi one way), and great for all ages. While walking through the old apple orchard, see if you can spot three different types of birds, a squirrel, and an animal that will soon be hibernating. It's quiet and relaxing here. The perfect place to recharge.

The Waterbury Center State Park
Nature Trail hugs the lake
An easy to moderate hike in the northwest is in Mt. Philo State Park. Take the House Rock Trail to the Devil's Chair Trail, which goes along the edge of Mt. Philo past many rock outcroppings. Once at the summit, enjoy a picnic while overlooking Lake Champlain and the Adirondack Mountains in New York.

Hiking in Mt. Ascutney
State Park
Niquette Bay State Park provides a number of options for hiking trails. Allen's Trail is an easy woodland hike where you can try to find different types of fungi nestled into the understory.

A steeper, but still moderate hike can be found in Mt. Ascutney State Park. Take the Windsor Trail to Brownsville Rock lookout and enjoy the view! You'll pass waterfalls, woodland, and many animals along the way. Try to spot 4 types of mammals while hiking.

Lake Shaftsbury's Healing Springs Nature Trail is a quiet and restorative 3/4 mile long trail looping around the lake. While passing over the waters of Lake Shaftsbury, try to spot a fish, beaver, or muskrat. Also, take in the rich history of the area as you go. More information can be found here.

Happy Thanksgiving All!

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