Paranormal Activity at Kingsland Bay State Park (and 4 Other Spooky Parks to Visit on Halloween!)

A Vermont State Park cabin at night
Rumors have gone round of haunted buildings in Kingsland Bay State Park. Last May, the Champlain Valley Vermont Ghost Hunters offered up their services to investigate if there actually is paranormal activity or if it's just people's imaginations running wild.

The ghost hunters stayed for two nights in the park and conducted experiments in several park buildings including the main dining hall, the Hawley House and the staff quarters, and they did find some interesting evidence. Arriving in tricked out vans looking like command central, these four professionals use high tech equipment to scientifically determine if something else lurks beyond what we can see and hear. An Electrical Voice Phenomena reader (EVP), infrared cameras, motion cameras, laser devices, and other equipment help to document and measure images, noises, and the presence of 'others'. The investigators have been somewhat hush-hush about their findings pending official publication of their report, but they did say they saw an apparition of a young woman near the window pane of the Hawley House as well as significant audio evidence.

The full report will be coming out soon and the ghost hunters commented that they would like to do a follow-up investigation for more, so stay tuned.

In addition to Kingsland Bay, there are 4 other parks that are sure to spook the skeptical....if you have the courage to visit!

Visitors to Ricker Cemetery
stay close to each other
Haunted Hikes of Vermont author and spooky enthusiast, Tim Simard, studied the legends and haunted places throughout Vermont and chronicled some of the scariest ones in his book. A few especially spooky tales happen to take place in the following parks. (Note: Tim's book has many more stories and details than listed below)

Little River State Park: A flood back in 1927 eliminated what used to be the town of Little River. Many lives were lost as a visit to Ricker Cemetery attests. Like any cemetery, a visit after the sun sets is sure to spook even the bravest of hikers. Another place that is rumored to be haunted within the state park is the Almeron Goodell house. An angry spirit still lurks holding on to resentment over the loss of its land. The house on the property is scary-looking enough without the story of a ghost. Author Tim Simard, recommends not visiting this area in the dead of night. Click here for a Little River map (page 9 of the document shows the map).

Button Bay State Park: What lurks beneath the waters? In addition to shipwrecks from the war of 1812, many believe a monster called "Champ" lives in Lake Champlain. An underwater serpentine specter of sorts, Champ sightings continue to be documented every year. Head over to Button Bay State Park to see if you spot anything gliding through the chilly waves. Click here for a campground map.

Brighton State Park: Campers and hikers have claimed to see ghostly figures standing on the shores of Spectacle Pond while hearing what sounded like a tribal celebration in the woods. Smoke and the smell of a campfire have been reported a short ways away, but with no fire in sight. Indian Point, on Spectacle Pond within the campground, was known as a place where native tribes including, Iroquois, Abenaki, Mohawk and Algonquin met in the summer. Celebrating, trading and important discussions and decisions took place at these encampments. If you are in the Northeast Kingdom, keep an eye out! Walking the campground which borders the pond is fun for all ages. Click here for a map of the campground.

There's no full moon to
light your way on this Halloween!
Groton State Parks: The infamous Bristol Bill - Stories out of Groton describe a ghostly figure dressed in nineteenth-century period clothing walking down the center of Groton Village and in Groton State Forest. Sometimes, the ghost of Bristol Bill holds the bloody knife he used in one of his crimes. Other reports say that Bill haunts the shores of Kettle Pond, specifically the southwestern corner. Legend has it that in the boulder caves near this corner of the pond, Bill hid some of his counterfeit money in a large kettle—hence the name of the pond. If you’re out hiking the Kettle Pond Loop Trail in the early morning hours and see Bristol Bill looking through the boulders, it’s best to steer clear. This once-gentlemanly robber might not take kindly to strangers approaching his counterfeit treasure. Click here for trail maps.

If you've ever spotted something "paranormal" send your story or photos our way. We'd love to hear your ghost story!

Enjoy a spooky hike in a state park this Halloween and have fun visiting the spirits from the past!

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