Paranormal Activity at Kingsland Bay State Park (and 4 Other Spooky Parks to Visit on Halloween!)

A Vermont State Park cabin at night Rumors have gone round of haunted buildings in Kingsland Bay State Park . Last May, the Champlain Valley Vermont Ghost Hunters offered up their services to investigate if there actually is paranormal activity or if it's just people's imaginations running wild. The ghost hunters stayed for two nights in the park and conducted experiments in several park buildings including the main dining hall, the Hawley House and the staff quarters, and they did find some interesting evidence. Arriving in tricked out vans looking like command central, these four professionals use high tech equipment to scientifically determine if something else lurks beyond what we can see and hear. An Electrical Voice Phenomena reader (EVP), infrared cameras, motion cameras, laser devices, and other equipment help to document and measure images, noises, and the presence of 'others'. The investigators have been somewhat hush-hush about their findings pending of...