Waste Not...Want to go Camping?

Lake Champlain International and Vermont State Parks offers chance to win EarthSmart compostable meal kits by sharing photos of fun on Lake Champlain.

Lake Champlain International (LCI), with their partner EarthSmart, has joined with Vermont State Parks to help you gear up for your next Lake Champlain outing! Beginning on September 1, 2011, go to either LCI’s Facebook page (facebook.com/LakeChamplain) or Vermont State Parks’ Facebook page (facebook.com/VTStateParks) and post your favorite photo of you or your family enjoying Lake Champlain at one of the many state parks. It can be a picture of fishing, camping, swimming, or anything else involving the lake. Be creative and show us how you use your lake and parks!

t the end of each day for a week we will select up to five entrants to receive a 68-piece EarthSmart meal kit! EarthSmart products are compostable plates, cups, cutlery, etc. that are recycled, made from sugarcane, are 100% sustainable and completely compostable. You can enjoy the convenience of plastic plates and utensils but feel good about throwing them away.

LCI partnered with EarthSmart to create helpthelake.org. This website is a complete source for compostable, sustainable paper products to fit your lifestyle. All proceeds support LCI’s myriad outreach, youth and conservation programs. Not only are you buying a guilt-free, green product, you also get the satisfaction knowing your purchase is making a direct, positive impact on Lake Champlain and its surrounding communities.

Anyone who has spent time around Lake Champlain appreciates the beauty of this incredible body of water. From camping to fishing, hiking to biking, swimming to boating, Lake Champlain has something to offer the hardcore adventurer, the weekend warrior and everyone in between.

LCI is a non-profit organization in Colchester Vermont whose mission is maintaining a swimmable, drinkable, fishable Lake Champlain through the promotion of recreational opportunities, public education, and youth outreach programs. Actively involved in fishery, pollution and conservation issues, LCI firmly believes people are not the problem, but the solution. Senator Leahy, in a letter to Executive Director James Ehlers, stated “…Lake Champlain International has been instrumental in securing the future of Lake Champlain. All of us who enjoy its waters every year are very grateful for your dedication.”
Vermont State Parks offer some of the most beautiful recreational spots in the state. With 13 parks along Lake Champlain offering camping, biking, hiking, swimming, fishing and boating, be sure to check out Vermont State Parks and Lake Champlain for your next trip!
LCI and VT State Parks, along with EarthSmart, are happy to be able to provide you with this opportunity to be rewarded just for showing off your fun times on Lake Champlain!

For more information on LCI visit http://www.mychamplain.net/ and check out our programs. To find a State Park and plan your next vacation visit http://www.vtstateparks.com/
Explore more great EarthSmart products at http://www.helpthelake.org/

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