Will You Take the Motorcycle Challenge This Summer?
This challenge is for you, if you ride a motorcycle or scooter and want to explore Vermont this summer!
Green Mountain Harley-Davidson has teamed up with Vermont State Parks to offer The Vermont State Parks Motorcycle Challenge. Participants will receive four day passes to any Vermont State Park to get them on their way. In addition, each park picture along your journey is entered into drawings for prizes held at the end of the riding season. These prizes include a stay at the Canterbury House Bed & Breakfast in Woodstock VT, Motorcycle Services, Vermont State Park camping passes, Green Mountain Harley-Davidson gift cards, and more. The first 10 riders to visit all 45 parks will be entered into a special drawing for a $100 gift card. All challengers who visit the 45 parks before the deadline, will receive a special award certificate. The contest is open to motorcycles and scooters of all makes and models.
From now until September, riders are challenged with cruising to 45 or more of the 52 state parks. If you choose to take on the challenge, register first at the Green Mountain Harley-Davidson website. Once you're registered and begin, be sure to document each visit by taking photos of you, your bike, and the state park sign at each of your visits.
Since you have traveled to the park, why not spend some time enjoying it? Before revving up for your journey, visit the park webpage to see what each park has to offer.
To register sign up at Green Mountain Harley-Davidson, 157 Pearl Street, Essex Junction, VT (just west of the Champlain Valley Expo). Registration costs $15 and includes a map with park locations and 4 free day passes to Vermont State Parks. The first 43 riders to sign up will also receive a 1 GB Green Mountain H-D flash drive memory stick. Contact co-owner of Green Mountain Harley-Davidson, Debby Pearson, at info@GreenMtnHarley.com or call 802-878-4778.
For information on Vermont State Parks visit http://www.vtstateparks.com/.
Good Luck!
Green Mountain Harley-Davidson has teamed up with Vermont State Parks to offer The Vermont State Parks Motorcycle Challenge. Participants will receive four day passes to any Vermont State Park to get them on their way. In addition, each park picture along your journey is entered into drawings for prizes held at the end of the riding season. These prizes include a stay at the Canterbury House Bed & Breakfast in Woodstock VT, Motorcycle Services, Vermont State Park camping passes, Green Mountain Harley-Davidson gift cards, and more. The first 10 riders to visit all 45 parks will be entered into a special drawing for a $100 gift card. All challengers who visit the 45 parks before the deadline, will receive a special award certificate. The contest is open to motorcycles and scooters of all makes and models.
From now until September, riders are challenged with cruising to 45 or more of the 52 state parks. If you choose to take on the challenge, register first at the Green Mountain Harley-Davidson website. Once you're registered and begin, be sure to document each visit by taking photos of you, your bike, and the state park sign at each of your visits.
Since you have traveled to the park, why not spend some time enjoying it? Before revving up for your journey, visit the park webpage to see what each park has to offer.

For information on Vermont State Parks visit http://www.vtstateparks.com/.
Good Luck!
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