Deb Markowitz, Secretary of ANR, Takes The Venture Vermont Challenge!

Deb Markowitz, Secretary of the Agency of Natural Resources, joined in the action by starting the Venture Vermont Outdoor Challenge with her daughter, Sandra and their dog, Sadie. Check out the video they made below:

In just one day, Deb and Sandra were able to earn 50 points! Impressive. A few more days of that enthusiasm and they will both earn a gold medallion good for FREE day entry into any Vermont State Park all of this season and all of next (2012), a valuable prize!  We'll be tracking Deb and Sandra's progress throughout the summer...what will they do next?

Build a shelter with natural objects (10 pts)
The weather is perfect for getting outside and doing fun things, which is exactly what Venture Vermont is all about. See some of the great pictures taken by last year's participants and download a scorecard by visiting the Venture Vermont page of the Vermont State Parks website.

Good Luck with YOUR Venture Vermont Challenge and we look forward to seeing you in the parks!


  1. AnonymousMay 24, 2011

    You guys did a great job with the video! I work Craig Whipple's son, Josh over in NH at the NH Dept of Environmental Services.

    Good Show!

    John F. Liptak


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