Another Reason Why State Parks are so Important

Dear Vermont State Parks,

We have been meaning to write since summer, and as Thanksgiving approaches I am reminded to not let any more time pass. Please find the attached picture of one of the park staff with our kids.

My husband and I have six year old twins, and we wanted to introduce them to camping this year. By sheer accident, we landed in Branbury State Park. Due to the July 4th holiday, there was initially no room, but the following day -- loving Lake Dunmore -- we asked again and were lucky enough to be able to pitch our little tent in site number seventeen. The Venture Vermont activities were beyond perfectly perfect. My son and daughter learned to climb a mountain, cross a moving stream, build a fire without matches. The young men and women teaching in the program were sensitive, insightful, funny, kind, and in the end very good at their jobs --each and every one.

We can't say enough to our friends many of whom have children where we live here in Manhattan and plan to Venture into Vermont this summer. As a former Bread Loafer, I feel so grateful to introduce our next generation to the beauty of the Green Mountains and the kindness of the people who live there. We are already planning our trip this summer and intend to organize our active involvement your your excellent program even more.

Thank you and your team,
Alison Matika
Glenn Cramer
Henry Cramer
Margo Cramer

Alison J. Matika, Ph.D.
Teacher Preparation and Education Studies
35 Broadway, Room 205
Yale University
New Haven, Connecticut 06520 USA


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