Great New Design for an Age Old Function - Winner Selected in "Going Green" Outhouse Design Competition

A winner has been chosen in the contest to design a 21st century version of the old Vermont outhouse. The Vermont Department of Forests, Parks & Recreation, in conjunction with the Vermont Wood Manufacturers Association, announced the winner of the “Going Green” trailside outhouse design competition at the annual meeting of the Vermont Wood Manufacturers in Woodstock, Vermont.

The contest inspired several architects and design firms to submit outhouse designs compatible with CLIVUS composting toilets for use at remote trailheads and recreation areas, and state park and forest lands throughout the state.

Participants were asked to create a simple, affordable wood design that could be built using native materials. The design had to be universally accessible, easy to assemble and maintain, use natural lighting and an eco-friendly finish. It also had to fit in with the aesthetics of state parks.

“The winning design, by Cushman Design Group, of Stowe, VT, met all the goals of the design completion. What really set this design apart from the others was the ability for the structures to be developed as an economical kit which could be easily transported and assembled on site by a group of supervised volunteers or a trail crew”, said Frank Spaulding, Parks Projects Coordinator. “The aesthetics of this design also fits with almost all state park facilities, from the Civilian Conservation Corps to those parks developed in the 1960’s, and those built for today.” said Spaulding.

There are many potential sites for this design throughout state forest and park recreation areas, including six within the Groton State Forest.


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