Teachers: Funding Available for School Field Trips!

Are you interested in taking a group of students on a field trip this year, but funding is tight? You should apply for a field trip grant from Target: Are you wondering where you can take students for an interesting, interactive, and dynamic field trip? Look no further than Vermont State Parks! Field trips are available on all sorts of topics from Native American studies to tree identification (and more)! Fall field trips are available at:
Jamaica State Park, in Jamaica, Vermont
Button Bay State Park, in Vergennes, Vermont
Little River State Park, in Waterbury, Vermont
Groton State Forest, in Groton, Vermont

Contact Rebecca Phelps for additional information about these field trip opportunities at the contact information below.

Rebecca Phelps
Conservation Education Coordinator
VT Dept of Forests, Parks & Recreation
103 South Main St, 10 South
Waterbury, VT 05671


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