Welcome To Vermont State Parks Blog!

Vermont State Parks belong to all of us. We who spend our lives trying our very best to manage them, care for them and keep them alive and healthy for the next generation are, in every sense, working for you. We are all in this together. Surveys we conduct, our web site, our e-newsletter and this blog are all ways for people who love Vermont State Parks to let us and other visitors know about experiences, preferences, needs and ideas for new and different features. We listen. Others will, too. So, join in the community of people who cherish our parks and participate in this wonderful communication opportunity. Share your stories and share your ideas. Welcome!


  1. Its great to see all this on the web. I have see that more and more parks have pictures of the individual sites. That feature alone makes the Vermont State Parks website better than any other States. When I go to a website it is for information and nothing describes a site like a picture. Bravo!

    If I could make one suggestion - since you asked :-). Your home page is a little cluttered. 3 columns is a little much. Maybe put the facebook, blog, Vermont Venture stuff in the menu on the left. People will probably find the gear store and the other stuff over there easier - that is where we are used to looking for links. Then you can get rid of the column on the right the "park finder" isn't really latest news anyway - that is how I found my new favorite park (Lake St Catherine) last year.

    In any case keep up the good work - on the web and in the parks!

  2. Wow, I like the blog! I think our family is going to tackle the Venture Vermont Challenge this year. We LOVE Vermont State Parks and it will add an additional purpose to our visits this year. Great to keep give the kids a goal while keeping them busy this summer.

  3. As I get older, I like to see more and more of the cabins. I camp 4 times or so during the season and I am starting to like the creature comforts more and more. I don't camp enough to justify a RV sitting in my yard for 330 days a year. The cabins you guys have are the just right - by no means are they a hotel room but still provide the right degree of convenience.

    I also agree with Julie above - Until today I never really looked at the stuff on the right (that is where ads and junk always is on websites). I am glad I did today so I can follow the blog. Consider me subscribed.

  4. i really enjoyed reading the vermont state park blog. A friend and I do most of our camping in the vt state parks. We usually camp a lot at little river state park but we have go to other ones as well. we like the state parks better then the private campgrounds


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