Mud Season Hiking in Vermont State Parks

Please help protect state lands and trails by avoiding muddy trails! You may not know it, but trails and vegetation are super vulnerable during mud season and hiking on them during this time can cause irreversible damage by compacting soils and surrounding vegetation which accelerates erosion and the need for maintenance.
High elevation trails are especially vulnerable during this time and take considerably longer to dry than lower elevation trails, so the state closes high elevation trails from April 15 – Memorial Day Weekend.
So, if you’re looking to get out and go hiking in the early spring, these trails make for some great options:
Southeast Vermont
Mt. Ascutney State Park Parkway after mid April (after the ice melts off)
Southwest Vermont
D & H Rail Trail
Emerald Lake State Parks roads
Button Bay State Parks roads
Northwest Vermont
Niquette Bay State Park (check at trail head for closures)
North Hero State Park roads
Grand Isle State Park roads and trails
Alburg Dunes Beach road
Underhill State Park: CCC Trail only
Northeast Vermont
Brighton State Park – NEK Nature Trail (short)
Smugglers' Notch VT Route 108 only thru May 15; other trails open May 16
Waterbury Center State Park Nature Trail
Little River State Park roadways and forest access roads
Cotton Brook Trails in Mount Mansfield State Forest
Groton State Forest- Owl’s head, Montpelier-Wells River Rail Trail, Little Deer Mt. Trail, Big Deer Mt. Trail
Additional Mud Season Guidelines:
- See GMC guidelines at
- Green Mountain National Forest at
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