Fall Field Trips with Vermont State Parks

Interpreter Brian Aust leading a field trip at Owl's Head lookout. Children who enjoy meaningful outdoor experiences think critically and act responsibly on behalf of the ecological, social, and economic values of natural resources as adults. Vermont State Parks are offering these opportunities for hundreds of youth across the state this fall. We are creating the next generation of people connected to the conservation values Vermonters hold dear. State park certified interpreters create rich experiences for visitors of all ages. From preschoolers exploring the Civilian Conservation Corps Ascutney Camp at Mt Ascutney State Park, to high schoolers learning about old growth forest ecosystems at Gifford Woods State Park, there are hands-on, experiential learning opportunities for everyone. Field trips are available at many more locations than ever before: Elmore , Little River , Waterbury Center , Gifford Woods , Coolidge , Quechee , Mt Ascutney , Jamaica , and a variety of lo...