Put Your Message on our Bottle

Put Your Message on our Bottle Vermont State Parks Announces Graphic Contest: This season, we’re seeking a fresh, new look for Vermont State Parks water bottles that are sold all over the state and on the web, and we’re asking for your help! We invite you to participate in Vermont State Parks’ first ever Water Bottle Graphic Contest! Come up with a graphic design that is, or can be shrunk, to 3” x 3” that embraces the personality or feeling of Vermont State Parks. The design should use only three colors and will need to fit a variety of and materials and colors (green, blue, plastic, stainless steel, etc.). We’d like graphics submitted in high-resolution digital format, if possible. We’ll post entries on our facebook page and you can let us know which designs you like the best. We’ll award first, second and third prizes. Third prize will be a punch card good for 10 park visits, second prize will be an individual pass that will get one person into the pa...