Hunting Season

Vermont State Parks provide a variety of recreational opportunities for different users and interests, and at this time of year, hunting is one of them. A long held tradition in Vermont, hunting is an enduring element of the cultural heritage of Vermont and is an important method for managing the state's game species. It is both a family and community activity. Vermont is one of the most rural states in the country and we have a proud heritage of living close to the land. White-tailed deer, black bear, moose, wild turkey, ruffed grouse, woodcock, waterfowl, and snowshoe hare hunting are popular in the fall. Finding a place to hunt in Vermont is easy with more than 800,000 acres of conserved wildlife habitat open to public hunting. Hunting is just one of the many recreational opportunities available year round. Hunting is allowed on all state lands, which include Vermont State Parks in the off season. (which is now). You don't need to stop hiki...