Festival of the Islands July 30 - Aug. 1, 2010

Knight Point State Park has FREE entry during the Festival of the Islands. Popular for swimming and picnicking, Knight Point is the perfect place to visit, relax, and enjoy your family and friends during this three day celebration in the beautiful Champlain Islands. Five towns in the Champlain Islands, Grand Isle, Alburg, North Hero, South Hero, and Isle La Motte will offer a variety of special events including: retail sales, art sales and exhibits, fund raising community meals, concerts, wine tastings, garden tours, arts & crafts shows, flea markets, and farmer's market & farm stands. Other State Parks in the islands are also offering free special events with paid park entry, such as Grand Isle State Park where The Bee Line Ramblers will entertain at 7:00 PM on Saturday, July 31st, and Sand Bar State Park will have Folk By Association performing at 2:00 PM on Sunday, August 1. For more information on events in the parks, visit our Events webpage . Visit