Celebrate Champ Weekend at D.A.R. State Park in Addison
D.A.R. State Park is a popular local spot in Addison, Vermont, and features a picnic area, volleyball nets, and a short trail down to Lake Champlain. A lovely stone pavilion overlooks the lake.
The full schedule for Champ Weekend is listed below.
Weekend Schedule of Events:
3:00pm: Photo and information scavenger hunts
Saturday (by the shelter):
10:00am Coloring pages, mask making table, Champ drawing
contest, scavenger hunts (information and photo)
11:00am First talk/tv show
episode about Champ
12:30am Second talk/tv show episode about Champ
Photo with Champ!
2:00pm Decorating for the bike parade
2:30pm Bike Parade through park
4:00pm Third talk/tv show episode about Champ
Fourth talk/tv show episode about Champ
8:00pm Activity tables (coloring, masks
etc.) closed
Sunday (NOT in shelter, meet at the office):
Activity tables set up outside office if no rain
10:30am Champ drawings on
display at office
11:30am Photo and Information scavenger hunts
4:00pm Activity
tables closed (if still in use will be left)
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