Schedule your fall field trip to a Vermont State Park today!

A park interpreter wearing a woven packbasket leads children along a mown trail in a grassfield.
Educators, take your students outside this fall for a fun, interactive, hands-on educational field trip in a state park. There is no cost for these educational programs, you just pay an entrance fee of $0.50 per person.

Guided field trip experiences are available at:

Branbury State Park in Salisbury

Groton State Forest in Groton

Jamaica State Park in Jamaica

Little River State Park in Waterbury

Mt. Ascutney State Park in Windsor

Quechee State Park in Quechee

Parks Interpretive Manager Rebecca Roy holds a wood cookie in front of teaching materials for Project Learning Tree.
Experienced Park Interpreters will design an experience to fit in your curriculum. Some available topics include:

  • Forest Ecology
  • Tree and Plant Identification
  • Benthic Macroinvertebrates
  • Ancient and recent cultural history
  • Civilian Conservation Corps history
  • Predator-Prey Relationships
  • Geology 
  • Mammals of Vermont
  • Or request your own topic. 

Please contact Rebecca Roy, Interpretive Program Manager, for more information or to book your field trip today:

More information is available at this website: State Park school field trip website


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